Orthodontics Treatment Coral Gables2022-06-16T04:28:38+00:00

Orthodontics Treatment in or near Coral Gables

Miami Lakes Orthodontist - Braces, Invisalign® from $75

If you’re in search of an orthodontist in the Coral Gables area you’ll faced with a variety of choices. With this fact at hand why do so many mom’s travel to see Dr. Carmen Crespi in Miami Lakes? Nowadays it seems that everybody is offering orthodontic services. In fact that there are a great number of dentists offering orthodontic services even when they are not qualified to do so. It does not stop there you can now even order Invisalign clones via mail from SmilesDirect! However, parents who know better still prefer the service only a certified orthodontist can deliver. When you’re looking orthodontic services we urge you to contact us for a free no obligation appointment where we will show you what is the difference between orthodontic services provided by a general dentists versus that of Orthodontics Treatment Coral Gables, Fl .

Even though the ADA says that general dentists are qualified to prescribe braces the huge gap in education and qualification tells us otherwise. Orthodontic braces are placed over your dentures to correct its alignment. If not performed properly, you may experience several health issues arising from the fact that you cannot grind or process your food correctly.

If you are choosing to get braces, it’s highly recommended that you consult with an orthodontist rather than a general dentist. Orthodontists have wide experience about the proper alignment of teeth. A regular dentist’s experience, on the other hand, isn’t within that area.

When it comes to training, the orthodontist possesses two to 3 added years’ worth of specialization than a general dentist. This means that they’re can do more than the latter can do, and it covers installing wires, braces, Invisalign, and similar corrective devices over your dentures.

Consult with an orthodontist if you do not want to experience the painful effects such as overbite and constant migraines. These are the common complaints of people who opted to consult with a regular dentist instead of an orthodontist for braces. Free yourself of all these concerns and refer only with orthodontists who are especially trained for the job.

Remember that issues with your dentures influence your overall health. If your dentures are bothering you then the rest of your body won’t be able to perform to the fullest.

Children’s Orthodontics in Coral Gables, FL

Dr. Carmen Briceño Crespi is your local board-certified orthodontist serving the Coral Gables area. The moment that you have decided that talking with an orthodontist is preferable than going to a general dentist, then the next step is to look for the orthodontist who is right for you. There are two kinds of orthodontists: regular orthodontists and board-certified orthodontists. If you must choose between the two, always go for the board-certified experts.

Aside from the knowledge and specialization that regular orthodontists go through, the board certified experts offer improved and comprehensive patient care. This is because they are required to renew their certification every 10 years so as to keep their certification.

To be a board-certified orthodontist, they should be a member of the American Board of Orthodontics. One has to comply with the accreditation guidelines of the organization and abide by their every rule to ensure their membership status. Renewing one’s certification is also required, which could also mean they need to undergo continual education.

There‘re several advantages to going to a board-certified orthodontist and they have a lot to do with your assurance of getting premium dental care. Board certified orthodontists can provide you with the necessary dental care, as well as fix the alignment of your teeth to assure you that beautiful smile. These experts will make sure that you will get your confidence back.

Blog Article Related to Orthodontist in Coral Gables, FL

Pros and Cons of Invisalign and Braces

Braces/Invisalign Miami Lakes

When deciding what type of corrective hardware is right for you or your child, you will likely have many questions. It is important to choose the most effective and affordable option, while still keeping comfort and practicality in mind. The two main choices when correcting crooked teeth and gaps are braces and Invisalign. Invisalign first became popular in the year 2000; while it is relatively new, it is also very popular and effective. You are probably aware of braces and how they work. Metal brackets are glued to teeth. Wires connect the brackets and are made stronger, shorter, and tighter throughout the process. Invisalign produces the same end result as braces but uses clear plastic aligners or “trays’ instead of metal brackets and wires. Plastic aligners are worn in a series. The teeth straighten throughout the process, getting more and more straight with each aligner. The plastic is BPA free and completely clear.

In order to decide which of these methods is better for you, it is best to compare the pros and cons of each. In terms of appearance, Invisalign definitely comes out on top. The aligners are clear and invisible, for the most part. While braces can be enamel colored or clear, they are always visible and usually are a silver metal that stands out against your enamel. Braces are worn for an average of two years and can never be removed. Invisalign is worn for 22 hours out of each day for 6-18 months on average.

When it comes to cost, braces range anywhere from $3,000 dollars to $7,000 dollars depending on many options and the appliances. Invisalign costs around $4000 to $8,000 dollars in most cases. When you wear braces, you have to brush your teeth often to avoid food getting caught in the wires. Sometimes a water pick is also helpful. Invisalign has its own cleaning system. Other than that, you have to brush your teeth often and rinse the trays with slightly warm water. When you wear braces, you have to visit the dentist once a month for tightening and checkups. Invisalign requires you to change aligners once every 2 weeks, but you only have to visit the dentist every 4 to 6 weeks. Retainers are required after treatment for both braces and Invisalign.

There are pros to both braces and Invisalign. With braces, more complicated teeth issues are able to be addressed. There is also no need for self-discipline, as you cannot remove the braces as you please. Invisalign is not noticeable. It is removable, so you do not have to worry about what you eat. Food is less likely to collect in your teeth and you will not have to deal with the pain from wires and brackets. The main drawbacks to braces are the pain and sores that wires and brackets cause. Foods you are able to eat are limited and teeth are often stained in an odd way due to the brackets. Despite having to remove the aligners when you eat and having to brush well before putting them back in, there are not many real cons to Invisalign.

If you are interested in Invisalign, contact us for more information on how we can help you to transform your teeth into a beautiful smile.

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