Children’s Orthodontics Richmond West2022-07-12T20:03:34+00:00

Children’s Orthodontics in or near Richmond West

Orthodontist Salary in Miami, FL

Anybody looking for an orthodontist in the Richmond West area you have a wide selection of options. With this fact at hand why do so many mom’s drive all the way to Miami Lakes to see Dr. Carmen Crespi? Nowadays it seems that everybody is offering orthodontic services. In fact that they are many of general dentists offering orthodontic services even when they are not qualified to provide this type of service. It goes beyond that you can now even order braces via mail from SmilesDirect! However, parents who know better still prefer the service only a certified orthodontist can deliver. If you are ready Invisalign we ask you to call us for a free no obligation appointment where we will show you what is the difference between orthodontic services provided by a general dentists versus that of Children’s Orthodontics Richmond West, Florida .

Even though many who have you think that braces are no big deal nothing can be farther from the truth. Orthodontic braces are installed around your dentures to correct its alignment. If not performed properly, you could undergo a lot of health problems arising from the idea that you cannot grind or process your food properly.

When choosing to get braces, it’s highly recommended that you talk with an orthodontist rather than a regular dentist. Orthodontists have wide experience about the correct alignment of teeth. A regular dentist’s expertise, on the other hand, isn’t within such area.

When it comes to training, the orthodontist has two to 3 added years’ worth of specialization than a general dentist. This indicates that they are able to do better than regular dentists can do, and it includes installing wires, braces, Invisalign, and similar corrective devices on your teeth.

Refer to an orthodontist if you don’t want to suffer from the painful consequences such as misaligned teeth and head-splitting migraines. These are the usual issues of patients who chose to go to a general dentist instead of an orthodontist for braces. Free yourself of all these concerns and consult only with orthodontists who are specially trained for the job.

Keep in mind that problems with your teeth influence your general health. If your teeth are causing you pain then the rest of your body won’t be able to perform at its best.

Board Certified Orthodontist in Richmond West, FL

Lakes Orthodontics is your local board-certified orthodontist serving the Richmond West area. The moment that you have decided that talking with an orthodontist is better than talking with a regular dentist, then the next step is to look for the orthodontist who is perfect for you. There are two kinds of orthodontists: general orthodontists and board-certified orthodontists. If you must choose between the two, always opt for the board certified orthodontists.

Aside from the knowledge and specialization that regular orthodontists go through, the board certified experts offer updated and comprehensive oral care. This is because they are mandated to renew their certification every 10 years in order to keep their certification.

To become a board-certified orthodontist, one should be a member of the American Board of Orthodontics. They have to comply with the accreditation guidelines of the group and abide by their every rule to ensure their membership. Renewal of certification is also required, which may also suggest they have to undergo continued training.

There are different advantages to going to a board-certified orthodontist and they have a lot to do with your assurance of getting premium dental care. They can provide you with the necessary dental care, as well as align your dentures to give you that perfect smile. These experts will ensure that you’ll get your confidence back.

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The Importance Of Your Smile In Today’s World.

Pediatric Orthodontist Near Me in Miami Lakes, FL

Let’s face it; the way you look is more important today than it has ever been.  This is due to the increased exposure that our appearance has to everyone around us because of social media and other forms of e-communication (not to mention selfies!!!).  We constantly see each other’s faces on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, YouTube, LinkedIn, etc.  This puts a lot of pressure on us to look good and feel confident about our appearance.

Most people think about their bodies when they think of improving their looks and building confidence.  Workouts and diets are usually on everyone’s mind (especially early in the year, New Year, New Me!).  This makes a lot of sense living down here in my hometown of Miami Lakes, Florida, where we have year-round “beach weather,” wear fewer clothes than most other places, and have a population of beautiful people worldwide.

However, as much as I agree that taking care of the body with diet and exercise helps us look and feel good, we should all take a realistic look at ourselves and determine if we are happy with our smile.  Yes, that’s right, your smile can also make you look and feel good and doesn’t require you to join a new gym or give up carbs!

A Smile is a positive expression!

You must understand that your smile is your most basic but powerful form of positive expression.  Our smile is linked to the same brain nerve centers as feelings of joy and happiness.  When we are happy, we smile.  When we look at the people we love, we smile. Your smile makes you feel better and looks better on the outside.  Studies have found that when you smile, you decrease stress-enhancing hormones and increase positive mood-enhancing hormones (endorphins).  It even lowers your blood pressure!

Smiling is a natural reaction to joy and happiness, which is very influential. Numerous scientific studies have established that a sincere smile is attractive to others. Other studies have found a solid connection between enjoying good health, longevity, and smiling.  Essentially, the act of smiling, genuine or false, can have immediate and long-lasting benefits on the health and welfare of a person.

How does your smile make you look more attractive to other people?

Your smile is most often one of the two things that someone else notices when they first look at you.  Whether you like it or not, if your smile is not up to par, you are sending out negative signals to someone looking at you.  This has to do with the way our brain works.  We are constantly scanning the world. We look for imperfections and search for symmetry.  The human body should be perfectly symmetrical (remember high school biology and bilateral symmetry).  If you draw a straight line vertically down the human body, you should have equally spaced body parts on both sides (eyes, ears, arms, legs, etc.).  Your smile works the same way.  You should be able to draw a line down the middle of your face, and it should intersect the center of your central teeth (top and bottom).  If it does not, you have a misalignment of your teeth, which could be for several reasons, including missing teeth, misaligned or crooked teeth, or possibly a misalignment of your bite or jaw. A misalignment of your teeth makes your appearance asymmetrical, which is unpleasing to the eye.  This type of misalignment can not only cause other people to look at you differently, but it can also cause you to have functional issues with your teeth and not be able to clean them properly, which can create much more significant health issues (not to mention bad breath, plaque build-up, and other problems).

How can your smile make you feel more attractive?

The power of the smile is not limited to looking more attractive to other people but also transfers to feeling beautiful from within you.  When we smile, we feel better because we release endorphins, but we also boost confidence when we know that our smile looks excellent.  Your smile is with you in every situation you are in every day for the rest of your life: school, graduation, college, work, dates, job interviews, meeting new people, weddings, etc.  Shouldn’t you feel 100% confident that when the situation you are in makes you smile, you will put the best version of yourself forward? If you do not feel confident in your smile, you should get an evaluation from an orthodontist in Hialeah and have them give you an assessment and explain your options to get your smile looking and feeling great.  Or, you can live the rest of your life making excuses for not liking your smile and not living to your full potential.  You decide.

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