Self-ligating Braces in Miami-Dade2022-07-19T10:38:50+00:00

Self-ligating Braces in Miami-Dade

Best Orthodontist Miami Lakes for Braces and Invisalign

Looking for Self-ligating Braces in Miami-Dade? Dr. Crespi of Lakes Ortho is a leading provider of Invisalign and braces in Miami-Dade. Apart from kids, these days a lot of grown-ups have been going that extra step to get braces, also. If it’s to fix long lasting dental issues such as occlusions or to improve appearance, there are a lot of advancements and corrections in orthodontics dentistry today, making braces the pick for a lot of people.

Braces most importantly correct curved teeth, and it is what we all visualize if braces are mentioned. By pulling the teeth into the correct place with brackets attached to the teeth and wires that are readjusted over a period of time, it’s possible to bit by bit work teeth into new and better positions. This might happen slowly – maybe even years – yet still, the lasting outcome are well worth it. Typically, braces for kids are put on youngsters and adolescences while their teeth are still shaping, but today you could find braces available for anyone wanting to handle dental worries by fixing their teeth. Braces can do more than help fix someone’s looks, but it can also correct a long list of dental worries that could come from having jagged teeth or a bad bite. Difficulties like extreme rotten teeth, untimely enamel erosion, crowded teeth, occlusions, and jaw misalignment can be tackled over time using braces.

Where to Get Self-ligating Braces in Miami-Dade?

Orthodontic Braces carry a stereotype of being just for children for a few reasons. Years ago, it was thought that it was only conceivable to amend the alignment of teeth and fix dental issues by braces even as a person was younger and their was still in the growing stage. A notion what has from then been proven as wrong, with the point being that even adult teeth could be moved and bone growth may continue, helping to keep altered teeth in their new and correct place.

Moreover, as for how bulky and unattractive braces was, there were not a lot of adults intent on wearing them. Bearing in mind that a typical grown person’s day involves being at work much of the day, and handling many different people in several professional and personal conditions, braces were regularly thought to be awkward for the wearer, with many preferring to simply keep their teeth as they were. Nevertheless, not only has it been realized that it is absolutely possible to fix adult teeth, the health benefits gotten from adjusting dental issues could make it useful at any age. It could take more time for mature teeth to slide into their new places requiring more mature patients to keep on their dental braces longer than younger patients, but the advantages still overshadow the disadvantages.

It is especially so since the great, new braces available now that people can wear in ease, like Clear Braces, Metal Braces, Lingual Braces, and Self-Ligating Braces; also snap-in retainers which can be in place certain times of the day and left off others. There are several new braces obtainable for patients of all age to have their teeth realigned, bestowing on them more than a lovely smile but also the health assurances that go with aligned teeth and a correct bite. If you would like more information in regards to the orthodontic services in Miami-Dade offered by Dr. Carmen Briceño-Crespi of Lakes Ortho, please stop by at our blog.

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Is Your Smile Attractive Or Unattractive?

Pediatric Orthodontist Near Me in Miami Lakes, FL

Are you having a hard time with your appearance? Are you looking in the mirror and not liking what you see? Do you think you are not attractive enough? Are you questioning what you can change about yourself? Are you questioning what you can do or change so that people will find you attractive? Some people immediately think about losing weight. There is no need to transform your entire body. Why not just focus on your smile? A beautiful smile can make you feel attractive and therefore boost your confidence. Think about these three points below.

  • Healthy teeth (bad oral hygiene, plaque, discolored or missing teeth)

Good oral hygiene is a basic necessity for your teeth to be attractive.  If you are missing teeth or have discolored or plaque-covered teeth, then is obvious that people who look at you will be put off by your appearance and find you unattractive.  A study called ‘POWER OF THE SMILE’ showed that people with unattractive smiles were perceived to be less trustworthy and less intelligent than people with healthy, attractive smiles.

  • Crooked teeth (misalignment of teeth)

Not having the proper alignment of your teeth is detrimental to your look (symmetry of your smile) and your ability to properly clean and take care of your teeth. If your teeth are crooked, you do not have proper spacing between teeth, which can cause some of your tooth surfaces to be unreachable by your toothbrush. This can then lead to tooth disease and problems such as bad breath, plaque buildup, cavities, bone loss, gum disease, and even tooth loss!

  • Facial imbalance (teeth not landing properly or midline being off-centered)

The face and body are created with bilateral symmetry. This means that if you were to draw a straight line down the middle of the body from the head, you would have two equal sides. Each side would have one ear, eye, eyebrow, arm, leg, etc. This symmetry is one of the things that our subconscious mind looks for when looking at other people and determining if they are attractive. The face also has its own symmetry, which is divided in the middle of your face by your nose. Your teeth are also subject to the same symmetrical eye test.  The mouth is supposed to have 28 permanent teeth (not including wisdom teeth). Your central or “front teeth” are supposed to be in a central position among your teeth and your face.  Again, the whole bilateral symmetry concept comes into play with your teeth. Simply put, the middle of your smile should align with the center of your face. If not, you will appear asymmetrical or “odd” to the person looking at you.

As found in the ‘POWER OF THE SMILE’ study, “bad teeth” make one seem untrustworthy, unintelligent, or even unattractive. No one wants to be seen or thought of as unattractive, unintelligent, or even untrustworthy. If you have any of these problems, such as missing, crooked, or discolored teeth, bad breath, etc., you will want to take care of them as soon as possible. It will put you on the right track to feeling better about yourself, and you will have a beautiful smile that will boost your confidence.

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