Children’s Orthodontics Medley2022-08-11T10:43:21+00:00

Children’s Orthodontics in or near Medley

Best Orthodontists Near Me in Miami, FL

If you’re in search of an orthodontist in the Medley area you’ll faced with a variety of choices. With this fact at hand why do so many Medley residents choose Lakes Orthodontics as their preferred orthodontist? Nowadays it seems that everybody is offering orthodontic services. In fact that there are several of general dentists offering orthodontic services even when they are not qualified to do so. It does not stop there you can now even order clear braces online from SmilesDirect! However, families who know better still prefer the service only a certified orthodontist can deliver. If you’re in the market braces we invite you to call us for a free no obligation appointment where we will show you what is the difference between braces from Home Depot versus that of Children’s Orthodontics Medley, Fl .

Although many who have you think that braces are no big deal nothing can be farther from the truth. Orthodontic Braces are installed around your teeth to correct its alignment. If not performed properly, you may go through several health issues coming from the idea that you cannot chew or process your food correctly.

If you’re choosing to get braces, it is best that you consult with an orthodontist rather than a regular dentist. Orthodontists have extensive knowledge regarding the correct alignment of teeth. A regular dentist’s expertise, on the other hand, doesn’t cover such area.

If it comes to training, an orthodontist possesses 2 to three added years’ worth of specialization than a regular dentist. This indicates that they’re capable of doing more than the latter can do, and it includes installing wires, braces, Invisalign, and similar corrective devices around your teeth.

Refer to an orthodontist if you don’t want to experience the painful consequences such as overbite and head-splitting migraines. These are the usual problems of patients who opted to consult with a general dentist rather than an orthodontist for braces. Free yourself from all these issues and refer only with orthodontists who are specially trained for the job.

Remember that problems with your teeth affect your general health. If your teeth are causing you pain then the rest of your body won’t be able to function to the fullest.

Pediatric Orthodontist Specialist in Medley, FL

Miami Lakes Orthodontics is your local board-certified orthodontist serving the Medley area. The moment that you have decided that talking with an orthodontist is better than going to a regular dentist, then the next step is to find the orthodontist who is right for you. There are two kinds of orthodontists: general orthodontists and board-certified orthodontists. If you should choose between the two, always opt for the board-certified orthodontists.

Apart from the knowledge and training that regular orthodontists undergo, the board certified experts offer updated and complete dental care. This is because they are asked to renew their certification every 10 years in order to keep their certification.

To be a board-certified orthodontist, they should sign up the American Board of Orthodontics. One has to follow the accreditation guidelines of the group and follow their every rule to keep their membership. Renewing one’s certificate is also required, which could also mean they need to undergo continued training.

There‘re several advantages to talking to a board-certified orthodontist and they have a lot to do with your assurance of getting optimum dental care. These experts can give you with the necessary dental care, as well as fix the alignment of your teeth to assure you that beautiful smile. These orthodontists will ensure that you will get your confidence back.

Post Related to Orthodontist in Medley, FL

The Truth Behind Lingual Braces

Specialty Smiles, Miami Lakes Orthodontics

With all of the technological advances in orthodontics, patients have more treatment options today than ever.  Nowadays, if you want to straighten your teeth, you can choose from clear braces, metal braces, braces with colors, Invisalign, Invisalign Teen, Invisalign 5, Invisalign Express, etc., etc., etc.

Even braces are placed behind the teeth instead of on the front of the teeth!  That’s right; Lingual Braces are braces used to straighten your teeth that go behind the teeth (on the side of your tongue and palate) instead of on the front of the teeth like traditional braces.  Although there is an aesthetic advantage to not showing your braces on the front of your teeth, there are some significant concerns with lingual braces.

Top 5 concerns with lingual braces:

  •  Pain and discomfort

Having braces and wires behind your teeth can be very painful as your tongue constantly moves behind your teeth when you speak.  This can cause your language to become irritated and even blister in severe cases.

  • Difficulties speaking

Your tongue is a significant factor in our speech.  It may become more challenging to speak and annunciate your words with braces and wires behind your teeth.

  • Oral Hygiene

Many people have trouble taking care of their teeth with braces on the front of their teeth where they can see them with a mirror.  Imagine the difficulty of adequately brushing and flossing your teeth with braces behind your teeth!

  • Cost of treatment

The cost of lingual braces is typically almost double that of traditional braces.  This can range from $8,000 to $10,000 for treatment, and they are no faster than conventional braces.

  • Clear braces and Invisalign treatment are less expensive and painful than lingual braces.

Most people considering lingual braces as a treatment option are doing so for aesthetic reasons (they don’t want to show that they have braces).  There are now several new styles of braces that are far less noticeable (clear/invisible braces or ceramic braces) and several products from Invisalign that allow patients to fix their teeth and not go through the pain or additional cost of lingual braces.

If you have any questions or concerns about your or your child’s smile, you should find a board-certified dentist near you and schedule a consultation.  The easiest way to find a local orthodontist is to visit the American Board Of Orthodontics website and use their orthodontist locator tool, which can help locate an orthodontist near you.

Additional Info Related to Children’s Orthodontics in Medley