Orthodontist North Miami Beach2022-05-10T21:47:33+00:00

Orthodontist in or near North Miami Beach

Orthodontic Options - Aventura and North Miami

Anyone seeking an orthodontist in the North Miami Beach area you have an array of choices. Taking this into consideration why do so many families drive all the way to Miami Lakes to see Dr. Carmen Crespi? Nowadays it seems that everybody is offering orthodontic services. The truth is that they are many of dental professionals offering orthodontic services even when they are not qualified to do so. It goes beyond that you can now even order clear braces via mail from SmilesDirect! With that said, people who know better still prefer the service only a certified orthodontist can provide. When you are ready orthodontic services we invite you to contact us for a free no obligation appointment where we will show you what is the difference between braces from Home Depot versus that of Orthodontist North Miami Beach, Fl .

Although many who have you think that braces are no big deal nothing can be farther from the truth. Orthodontic Braces are placed over your dentures to correct its alignment. If not performed the right way, you could go through several health concerns stemming from the fact that you cannot chew or process your food correctly.

If you are getting braces, it’s best that you consult with an orthodontist instead of a general dentist. Orthodontists have huge experience about the proper alignment of teeth. A regular dentist’s experience, on the other hand, does not cover that area.

If it comes to training, the orthodontist has 2 to three more years’ worth of specialization than a general dentist. This means that they’re able to do more than the latter can do, and it includes installing wires, braces, Invisalign, and similar corrective devices over your teeth.

Refer to an orthodontist if you don’t want to suffer from the painful consequences such as misaligned teeth and recurring migraines. These are the usual problems of people who chose to go to a regular dentist instead of an orthodontist for braces. Free yourself from all these problems and consult only with orthodontists who are especially trained for the job.

Keep in mind that concerns with your dentures affect your entire health. If your dentures are bothering you then the rest of your body will not able to perform to the fullest.

Children’s Orthodontics in North Miami Beach, FL

Lakes Orthodontics is your local board-certified orthodontist serving the North Miami Beach area. If you have decided that talking with an orthodontist is preferable than talking with a general dentist, then the next step is to find the orthodontist who is perfect for you. There are two kinds of orthodontists: general orthodontists and board-certified orthodontists. If you must choose between these two, always go for the board-certified experts.

Aside from the knowledge and specialization that regular orthodontists undergo, the board certified experts offer improved and comprehensive dental care. This is due to the fact that they are required to renew their certification every ten years so as to keep the certification.

To become a board-certified orthodontist, one should enlist with the American Board of Orthodontics. One has to follow the accreditation guidelines of the group and follow their every rule to keep their membership status. Renewing one’s certification is also necessary, which may also suggest they need to go through continual training.

There‘re different advantages to going to a board-certified orthodontist and they have mean assurance of getting premium oral care. These experts can provide you with adequate dental care, as well as align your dentures to give you that beautiful smile. These experts will make sure that you’ll get your confidence back.

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Orthodontic Horror Stories!

Miami Lakes Orthodontics | Orthodontist in Miami Lakes

How you should choose your orthodontist for your Invisalign or braces treatment to avoid being a victim.

I have had thousands of people come to my orthodontic office and give me their horror stories (many times in tears) about the terrible experience and results they received from a dentist terrible experience and results that they received from a dentist that they went to down the street that promised them excellent results with their braces or Invisalign treatment.  Not only are they unhappy about their smile and experience but they are also angry because they have already spent thousands of dollars with the other dentist and wasted a year of their life.

The #1 thing that you can do to make sure that you are making the right decision for your orthodontic treatment is to choose the best doctor to consult, prescribe and treat you with your braces or Invisalign.  I find that many patients think that braces or Invisalign are a commodity.  That if they go to 5 doctors and they all offer braces or Invisalign then all they should do is find the lowest price and go with that option.  This line of thinking could not be more wrong.  Braces and Invisalign are a form of treatment and it is 100% up to the dentist (should be an orthodontist) to decide if you are a candidate for the treatment.

The doctor that you choose to treat you with braces or Invisalign will be the person that is responsible for helping you to achieve the smile that you want for the rest of your life.  Choose the best doctor and give yourself the best chance for success.

3 Rules for choosing the best doctor for your Invisalign or braces treatment.

Rule #1:  It all starts with picking the right doctor. Please make sure that they are a board-certified orthodontic specialist.  These are the most highly skilled and trained doctors in the world and they will give you the best opportunity for success.  If you want to find a list of the most highly trained orthodontists in your are the American Board of Orthodontics has a very helpful tool that is free on their website for you to locate board certified orthodontists.

Rule # 2:  Do your homework! Read reviews, speak with actual patients and visit the office, interact with the staff and see what the actual experience is like at the office you are considering.  Make sure that this is a place where you feel confident and comfortable.

Rule # 3:  Convenience: Make sure that the office is convenient for your treatment.  The office should have hours that fit your schedule, have short wait times and not be on the opposite end of the earth.  You will be seeing your orthodontist approximately every 6 weeks for your treatment to make it easy on yourself.

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