Orthodontics Treatment Miami Shores2022-08-01T22:53:47+00:00

Orthodontics Treatment in or near Miami Shores

Best Orthodontists Near Me in Miami, FL

If you’re seeking an orthodontist in the Miami Shores area you have a variety of choices. With this fact at hand why do so many Miami Shores residents travel to see Dr. Carmen Crespi in Miami Lakes? Today it seems that everybody is offering orthodontic services. The reality is that they are many of dentists advertising orthodontic services even when they are not qualified to do so. It goes beyond that you can now even order Invisalign clones online from SmilesDirect! Nevertheless, moms who know better still prefer the service only a certified orthodontist can deliver. If you’re ready clear braces we invite you to call us for a free no obligation consultation where we will show you what is the difference between orthodontic services provided by a general dentists versus that of Orthodontics Treatment Miami Shores, Fl .

Even though a great number of dental professionals will tell you that braces are no big deal, the difference in education tells us otherwise. Orthodontic appliances are placed around your teeth to correct its alignment. If not performed correctly, you may experience a lot of health problems arising from the idea that you cannot grind or eat your food properly.

If you are getting braces, it is best that you consult with an orthodontist rather than a regular dentist. Orthodontists have vast experience about the correct alignment of teeth. A regular dentist’s knowledge, on the other hand, does not cover the said area.

If it comes to education, an orthodontist possesses two to 3 more years’ worth of specialization compared to a regular dentist. This suggests that they are able to do better than general dentists can do, and it covers installing wires, braces, Invisalign, and other corrective appliances over your teeth.

Refer to an orthodontist if you do not want to suffer from the painful effects such as overbite and constant migraines. These are the usual issues of people who chose to go to a regular dentist rather than an orthodontist for braces. Free yourself from all these issues and consult only with orthodontists who are specially trained for the job.

Keep in mind that issues with your dentures affect your overall health. If your teeth are bothering you then the rest of the body will not able to perform to the fullest.

Orthodontics Treatment in Miami Shores, FL

Dr. Crespi of Miami Lakes Orthodontics is your local board-certified orthodontist serving the Miami Shores area. Once you have decided that talking with an orthodontist is better than consulting with a regular dentist, then the next step is to look for the orthodontist who is perfect for you. There are two kinds of orthodontists: general orthodontists and board-certified orthodontists. If you must choose between these two, always opt for the board-certified experts.

Apart from the education and specialization that regular orthodontists go through, the board certified experts offer updated and comprehensive dental care. This is due to the fact that they are required to renew their certification every 10 years in order to keep the certification.

To become a board-certified orthodontist, one must be a member of the American Board of Orthodontics. They have to follow the accreditation guidelines of the organization and abide by their every rule to ensure their membership status. Renewing one’s certification is also required, which may also mean they need to go through continual training.

There‘re different advantages to going to a board-certified orthodontist and they have mean assurance of getting optimum oral care. Board certified orthodontists can give you with adequate dental care, as well as align your teeth to give you that perfect smile. These orthodontists will make sure that you’ll gain your confidence back.

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Can You Prevent Your Child Needing Braces?

Orthodontic Options - Aventura and North Miami

Children entering their early teen years often need braces to correct crooked teeth and other alignment issues. However, this doesn’t mean that braces are a rite of passage that everyone wants to go through.

The discomfort, cost, and self-consciousness that can come with traditional braces can be quite the deterrent. So, is there anything you can do to prevent your child from needing them? Depending on your child’s needs, some options and preventative measures could help them steer clear of metal braces. Read on to find out what they are.

Dental visits from early on can prevent braces.

Your child’s baby teeth will start to descend around the age of seven years old. This means that they will either start to fall out or shift in preparation for the adult teeth that will break through the gum line in the future. At this age, they must regularly see the dentist every six months to monitor their oral progress.

If your child will need future alignment correction for an overbite, underbite, misaligned teeth, or teeth with large spaces between them, it is best to find out as early as possible. If an issue is identified, it doesn’t mean your child will need braces immediately. In fact, it is very rare for braces to be put on a child this young. However, some steps can be taken as early as seven years old to fix alignment issues that may arise in the future.

For example, if your dentist can see that your child’s adult teeth will need more room to grow to prevent teeth from crowding or breaking through the gum line where they shouldn’t, they may recommend that a baby tooth be removed to give the permanent teeth the space they need. Alternatively, leaving baby teeth in place can also prevent future adult teeth from drifting into gaps that they shouldn’t. Taking preventative measures like this means that future braces can be avoided.

Each situation is specific and requires the expertise of a dental professional to determine the best course of action. Making sure your dentist knows your concerns and preference for avoiding braces will help them give you the best advice for your situation.

Straightening teeth without braces

Invisalign for teens Sometimes braces are not the best choice for you and your child, depending on the situation and your concerns. There are now teeth straightening options in addition to traditional metal braces that can help correct alignment issues. The Invisalign straightening system has proven to be very popular as it replaces metal wires with transparent plastic trays that gently push teeth into place over time. The teeth straightening trays are practically invisible, eliminating any concerns about braces’ cosmetic appearance. Invisalign also allows your child to eat, drink, and clean their teeth as normal since the straightening trays are easily removable.

If braces are unavoidable, why not upgrade them?

If your child does need traditional metal braces, some options can make them more appealing. No longer do braces come in just plain metal. An array of fun colors can be incorporated into the braces, which your child can pick to suit their personality. These colors can be changed every time they visit the dentist, making the experience much more pleasant. Studies show that over 75% of children who wear metal braces choose to have their favorite colors incorporated into them.

Lingual braces are another great alternative to traditional braces as they are placed behind the teeth. This means that they look and operate like traditional braces but are not visible. However, this type of alignment appliance can be higher in cost, so knowing what is most important to you when making decisions about your child’s oral health will determine the road you will take.

Finding an orthodontist who’s right for you

I’m an award-winning, board-certified orthodontist in Miami Lakes, offering expert orthodontic treatments like Invisalign, and braces, also known as tooth alignment for children, teens, and adults throughout Miami-Dade and Broward County.

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