Pediatric Orthodontist Specialist Gladeview2022-05-21T07:19:16+00:00

Pediatric Orthodontist Specialist in or near Gladeview

Braces & Invisalign Orthodontists Miami

Anyone in search of an orthodontist in the Gladeview area you’ll faced with quite a few choices. So, why do so many families travel to see Dr. Carmen Crespi in Miami Lakes? Nowadays it seems that everybody is offering orthodontic services. The reality is that they are a great number of general dentists offering orthodontic services even when they are not qualified to provide this type of service. It goes beyond that you can now even order braces online from SmilesDirect! However, families who know better still prefer the service only a certified orthodontist can provide. If you’re in the market Invisalign we invite you to contact us for a free no obligation appointment where we will show you what is the difference between mail order orthodontic appliances versus that of Pediatric Orthodontist Specialist Gladeview, Fl .

Even though the ADA says that general dentists are qualified to prescribe braces the huge gap in education and qualification tells us otherwise. Orthodontic braces are placed around your dentures to correct its alignment. If not performed correctly, you may experience several health problems arising from the idea that you can’t chew or process your food correctly.

If you’re choosing to get braces, it’s highly recommended that you consult with an orthodontist instead of a regular dentist. Orthodontists have wide experience with regards to the proper alignment of teeth. A general dentist’s expertise, on the other hand, doesn’t cover such area.

When it comes to training, the orthodontist possesses two to 3 more years’ worth of specialization than a regular dentist. This means that they’re can do better than the latter can do, and it includes installing retainers, braces, Invisalign, and similar corrective appliances under your dentures.

Consult with an orthodontist if you don’t want to experience the painful consequences such as overbite and recurring migraines. These are the common concerns of individuals who chose to consult with a regular dentist instead of an orthodontist for braces. Keep yourself of all these concerns and refer only with the experts who are especially trained for the job.

Remember that issues with your dentures affect your general health. If your teeth are bothering you then the rest of the body won’t be able to perform at its best.

Orthodontist for Kids in Gladeview, FL

Miami Lakes Orthodontics is your local board-certified orthodontist serving the Gladeview area. If you have decided that going to an orthodontist is better than consulting with a general dentist, then the next step is to look for the orthodontist who is right for you. There are two kinds of orthodontists: general orthodontists and board-certified orthodontists. If you should choose between the two, always opt for the board-certified orthodontists.

Apart from the education and specialization that regular orthodontists go through, the board certified experts offer improved and complete patient care. This is due to the fact that they are required to renew their certification every 10 years so as to keep their certification.

To become a board-certified orthodontist, they must sign up the American Board of Orthodontics. They have to comply with the accreditation guidelines of the organization and follow their every rule to ensure their membership. Renewing one’s certification is also required, which may also mean they need to go through continuous education.

There are many advantages to consulting with a board-certified orthodontist and they have mean assurance of getting premium dental care. They can provide you with adequate dental care, as well as fix the alignment of your teeth to give you that beautiful smile. These orthodontists will ensure that you will gain your confidence back.

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Your Child’s First Orthodontic Checkup

Orthodontist Salary in Miami, FL

The American Dental Association recommends that all children see the dentist for their first dental exam by their first birthday. A regular cleaning every six months is an excellent start to a lifetime of good oral health habits. As your child matures, primary or baby teeth begin to fall out and are replaced with permanent teeth. Seeing a dentist every six months will help detect any orthodontic issues, such as teeth and jaw alignment, that may develop. Frequently, it is the parent that detects an orthodontic problem first. That is why The American Dental Association recommends that children see an orthodontist by age seven.

At Miami Lakes Orthodontist, we are seen too many kids being misdiagnosed by their general family dentist. Please know that while all orthodontists are trained and certified dentists, a dentist is not an orthodontist and, in more ways than one, lacks the training to properly diagnose, prevent, intercept and treat dental and facial irregularities. These problems may include teeth that are crowded or too far apart, teeth that meet abnormally or don’t meet at all, teeth that stick out, and mismatched jaws. That is because while orthodontists and dentists initially undertake the same training, orthodontists must complete further training after they graduate from dental school. Dr. Carmen Briceño Crespi is an award-winning orthodontist, board certified by the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO) for orthodontic treatment. She has successfully completed over twenty thousand cases, and it is highly sawed after by families and individuals not only in the Miami Lakes area but also Weston, and to neighboring cities. This of itself is an achievement given the number of orthodontists in Palmetto Bay.

The Benefits of an Orthodontic Evaluation by Age Seven

Seeking an orthodontic evaluation by the age of seven may help mitigate many orthodontic problems in the future. The orthodontist will get baseline images of your child’s jaw and teeth alignment and be able to determine the most beneficial time to begin treatment or early intervention.

The earlier orthodontic issues are detected, the easier they are to correct. One of an orthodontist’s many goals is to retain all of your child’s permanent teeth. Obtaining a baseline evaluation may prevent your child from having permanent teeth pulled, which is a lifetime benefit. Seven means planning ahead for a healthy, straight smile. If you have any questions or concerns throughout your treatment or in the future, please call our offices at 305-820-6800.

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