Orthodontist for Kids Ojus2022-06-05T05:44:31+00:00

Orthodontist for Kids in or near Ojus

Braces Specialty Miami Lakes Orthodontics

Anybody looking for an orthodontist in the Ojus area the area has quite a few options. With this fact at hand why do so many mom’s travel to see Dr. Carmen Crespi in Miami Lakes? Nowadays it seems that everybody is offering orthodontic services. The truth is that they are a lot of general dentists offering orthodontic services even when they are not qualified to do so. It does not stop there you can now even order Invisalign want to be online from SmilesDirect! Nevertheless, families who know better still prefer the service only a certified orthodontist can provide. If you’re in the market orthodontic services we urge you to contact us for a free no obligation consultation where we will show you what is the difference between mail order orthodontic appliances versus that of Orthodontist for Kids Ojus, Fl .

Although the ADA says that general dentists are qualified to prescribe braces the huge gap in education and qualification tells us otherwise. Orthodontic Braces are placed around your teeth to correct its alignment. If not done properly, you could go through many health concerns coming from the idea that you can’t chew or process your food correctly.

When choosing to get braces, it is highly recommended that you talk with an orthodontist rather than a general dentist. Orthodontists have vast experience about the correct alignment of teeth. A regular dentist’s knowledge, on the other hand, is not within such area.

If it comes to training, the orthodontist possesses 2 to three added years’ worth of specialization compared to a general dentist. This suggests that they’re capable of doing better than regular dentists can do, and it covers installing retainers, braces, Invisalign, and similar corrective appliances under your teeth.

Go to an orthodontist if you do not want to suffer from the painful consequences such as overbite and head-splitting migraines. These are the usual complaints of individuals who opted to go to a regular dentist rather than an orthodontist for braces. Free yourself from all these problems and talk only with orthodontists who are specially trained for the job.

Remember that concerns with your dentures affect your general health. If your dentures are causing you pain then the rest of the body will not able to function at its best.

Board Certified Orthodontist in Ojus, FL

Dr. Carmen Briceño Crespi is your local board-certified orthodontist serving the Ojus area. Once you have decided that talking with an orthodontist is better than going to a general dentist, then the next step is to look for the orthodontist who is right for you. There are two kinds of orthodontists: regular orthodontists and board-certified orthodontists. If you must choose between these two, always opt for the board certified experts.

Aside from the knowledge and training that regular orthodontists go through, the board certified experts offer updated and comprehensive oral care. This is because they are asked to renew their certification every ten years in order to keep the certification.

To become a board-certified orthodontist, they must be a member of the American Board of Orthodontics. They have to comply with the accreditation guidelines of the group and follow their every rule to ensure their membership. Renewing one’s certification is also necessary, which could also suggest they have to undergo continued education.

There‘re different advantages to going to a board-certified orthodontist and they have a lot to do with your assurance of getting optimum dental care. They can provide you with the necessary dental care, as well as align your dentures to assure you that perfect smile. These orthodontists will ensure that you’ll get your confidence back.

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Are Kids Bullied Because of Their Smile?

Pediatric and Children\'s Orthodontics in Kendall Miami

No parent ever wants his or her child to experience bullying. Unfortunately, bullying is a reality for most children in America as 60% of children report seeing or experiencing bullying daily!  Dosomething.org says that over 3.2 million students are victims of bullying in the United States each year.

What do bullies look for in their victims?

Did you know that when bullies choose someone to bully, they have three main physical characteristics that they look for to determine their victim:

  • Teeth
  • Strength (physical strength and appearance)
  • Weight

Teeth are the #1 targeted physical feature that will increase a child’s chance of getting bullied.  Parents should be proactive in helping ensure that their kids’ teeth are healthy by teaching them the importance of good oral hygiene and taking their children to see a dentist for regular check-ups and cleanings.

Five tips for parents that are concerned with bullying:

  • Educate your children on the changes that are taking place with their teeth during childhood. Many kids lose their baby teeth and feel that they look weird or different.  Have your dentist or orthodontist explain the process of the changes in their teeth to your children if you do not feel confident in your explanation.
  • Show your kids your pictures or other family members when you lost your teeth or had braces. You are your kid’s hero, and if they see that you went through the same issues they are going through, this should make them feel better about themselves.  If not, then Google search photos of some of their favorite actors or musicians and see if you can find some before and after pictures of their teeth and show them that even famous people had to go through the same changes as them.
  • Take your child to see an orthodontist by the age of 7. The American Association of Orthodontics (AAO) has determined that the age of 7 is the perfect age to take your child for their first visit to see an orthodontist.  This will help you and your child listen to a specialist’s opinion and determine if your child’s teeth and jaw are developing correctly.  Most children will not need treatment at the age of 7, but it will create peace of mind for you and your child.  Also, if your child does need early interceptive treatment, this can often help them to correct issues that would have been much worse in the future. Not only can this potentially help with bullying but in many cases, this can also save the discomfort and expense of future surgeries or much worse long-term effects.
  • Ask your orthodontist to show your child before and after photos of other kids with similar issues. This will reassure your child that they are not alone and that plenty of other kids went through the same thing that they are going through, which is reassuring and should boost confidence.
  • If you suspect your child’s confidence and self-esteem are being affected by their smile/teeth, then try to speak to the orthodontist in private before your first visit with your child. Often, an orthodontist can help uncover issues that are not affecting your kid.  Some of the significant signs that should be warning signs that your child may be the victim of being bullied or teased are over jetting of flaring teeth (bucked teeth), speech difficulties or a lisp, severe underbite or overbite, asymmetrical growth of the jaw (jaw is not growing in-line with the center of the face), as well as several other issues that can and should be diagnosed by an orthodontist.  To choose the best Miami orthodontist for your child, visit the ABO website and look up the closest board-certified orthodontist in your area.

Additional Info Related to Orthodontist for Kids in Ojus