Orthodontics Treatment Bal Harbour2022-08-12T15:59:16+00:00

Orthodontics Treatment in or near Bal Harbour

North Miami Orthodontist - Braces, Invisalign from $75

Anybody searching for an orthodontist in the Bal Harbour area the area has a variety of options. Taking this into consideration why do so many mom’s travel to see Dr. Carmen Crespi in Miami Lakes? Today it seems that everybody is offering orthodontic services. In fact that they are several of dental professionals offering orthodontic services even when they are not qualified to do so. It goes beyond that you can now even order Invisalign want to be online from SmilesDirect! However, people who know better still prefer the service only a certified orthodontist can provide. When you are looking braces we urge you to contact us for a free no obligation appointment where we will show you what is the difference between mail order orthodontic appliances versus that of Orthodontics Treatment Bal Harbour, Fl .

Although a great number of dental professionals will tell you that braces are no big deal, the difference in education tells us otherwise. Orthodontic braces are placed around your teeth to correct its alignment. If not performed the right way, you may go through a lot of health concerns arising from the fact that you cannot chew or eat your food properly.

If you’re choosing to get braces, it is best that you talk with an orthodontist instead of a regular dentist. Orthodontists have wide experience about the proper alignment of teeth. A regular dentist’s experience, on the other hand, is not within that area.

If it comes to training, the orthodontist has 2 to three added years’ worth of specialization compared to a regular dentist. This indicates that they’re can do more than regular dentists can do, and it includes installing wires, braces, Invisalign, and similar corrective devices on your dentures.

Refer to an orthodontist if you do not want to experience the painful consequences such as overbite and recurring migraines. These are the general concerns of individuals who opted to consult with a general dentist instead of an orthodontist for braces. Free yourself of all these issues and talk only with orthodontists who are especially trained for the job.

Keep in mind that problems with your teeth influence your general health. If your dentures are causing you pain then the rest of the body will not able to perform to the fullest.

Orthodontics Specialist in Bal Harbour, FL

Dr. Carmen Briceño Crespi is your local board-certified orthodontist serving the Bal Harbour area. Once you have decided that talking with an orthodontist is preferable than talking with a regular dentist, then the next step is to look for the orthodontist who is right for you. There are two kinds of orthodontists: regular orthodontists and board-certified orthodontists. If you should choose between these two, always opt for the board certified orthodontists.

Apart from the education and training that regular orthodontists go through, the board certified experts offer improved and complete patient care. This is because they are required to renew their certification every 10 years in order to keep the certification.

To be a board-certified orthodontist, they must be a member of the American Board of Orthodontics. One has to comply with the accreditation guidelines of the group and abide by their every rule to ensure their membership status. Renewing one’s certificate is also required, which could also suggest they need to undergo continued education.

There are many advantages to going to a board-certified orthodontist and they have mean assurance of getting optimum dental care. They can provide you with the necessary dental care, as well as align your teeth to give you that beautiful smile. These orthodontists will make sure that you will gain your confidence back.

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Invisalign! Does it really work?

Orthodontist Miami Lakes| Braces Invisalign Hialeah Gardens

What is the truth about Invisalign, Smile Direct Club, and all of these new braces I see online and on TV?

A few weeks ago, at a birthday party, I had a few people walk up to me and ask me, “Does Invisalign work?”  To which I replied, “Well, it depends.  In many cases, it does work but cannot fix every problem someone has with their smile.  We have helped thousands of people to get great results with their smile using Invisalign, but there have also been thousands of cases that the patient wanted to use Invisalign, but we had to use braces or a combination of braces and Invisalign to correct all of their issues.  Orthodontic treatment should always be based on the exact needs of the individual patient.  Everyone has a unique situation when it comes to their smile as well as their lifestyle.  A good orthodontist should help the patient determine if they need treatment in the first place and find the best solution based on their needs and preferences.  It should never be a case where the treatment is based on something someone saw on TV unless the solution on TV is the best course of action for the patient.  That being said, if someone comes into the office and wants Invisalign, and we can get them the results they want, then I am all for helping them with Invisalign.

They seemed satisfied with my answer to their Invisalign question. Then they moved on to ask me another question about yet another commercial that they had seen repeatedly on TV for an at-home, D.I.Y. Invisalign.  I asked them, “Do you think it is smart to treat your smile at home?  Are you pretty confident in your skills as an orthodontist?”  We all laughed as someone’s wife mentioned that they couldn’t even make chocolate chip cookies out of a box so imagine how their teeth would come out if they tried to do their Invisalign.  A woman then replied with the perfect response: “My teeth are so important to me as I smile every day of my life and in every situation of my life.  I smile at home with my husband and kids to show them love and affection.  I smile at work with my co-workers and clients to let them know I am happy or agree with what they say.  My smile is just too important to leave to chance.  When it comes to my smile, I want to make sure that I have the best person helping me get the best results.  A discount, D.I.Y. smile is not worth it to me”.   I simply replied, Amen”.

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