Orthodontics Specialist Glenvar Heights2022-06-26T17:05:18+00:00

Orthodontics Specialist in or near Glenvar Heights

Pediatric Orthodontist Miami | Braces & Invisalign Specialist

Anybody looking for an orthodontist in the Glenvar Heights area you’ll faced with an array of options. Taking this into consideration why do so many mom’s drive all the way to Miami Lakes to see Dr. Carmen Crespi? Today it seems that everybody is offering orthodontic services. In fact that there are a lot of dental professionals offering orthodontic services even when they are not qualified to provide this type of service. It goes beyond that you can now even order braces online from SmilesDirect! Nevertheless, parents who know better still prefer the service only a certified orthodontist can deliver. If you are in the market orthodontic services we ask you to call us for a free no obligation appointment where we will show you what is the difference between braces from Home Depot versus that of Orthodontics Specialist Glenvar Heights, Fl .

Although the ADA says that general dentists are qualified to prescribe braces the huge gap in education and qualification tells us otherwise. Orthodontic appliances are installed over your dentures to correct its alignment. If not performed correctly, you could go through a lot of health issues arising from the fact that you can’t grind or eat your food correctly.

If you’re choosing to get braces, it is best that you consult with an orthodontist rather than a general dentist. Orthodontists have extensive experience with regards to the correct alignment of teeth. A regular dentist’s experience, on the other hand, is not within that area.

If it comes to education, the orthodontist has two to 3 more years’ worth of specialization than a general dentist. This means that they are able to do more than general dentists can do, and it covers installing wires, braces, Invisalign, and similar corrective appliances around your teeth.

Refer to an orthodontist if you do not want to experience the painful effects such as misaligned teeth and constant migraines. These are the general concerns of individuals who opted to consult with a general dentist instead of an orthodontist for braces. Keep yourself from all these problems and consult only with orthodontists who are especially trained for the job.

Remember that issues with your dentures influence your entire health. If your teeth are causing you pain then the rest of the body won’t be able to perform to the fullest.

Orthodontics Specialist in Glenvar Heights, FL

Dr. Carmen Briceño Crespi is your local board-certified orthodontist serving the Glenvar Heights area. If you have decided that consulting with an orthodontist is better than going to a general dentist, then the next step is to find the orthodontist who is right for you. There are two kinds of orthodontists: regular orthodontists and board-certified orthodontists. If you should choose between the two, always opt for the board certified orthodontists.

Apart from the knowledge and training that regular orthodontists go through, the board certified experts offer improved and comprehensive patient care. This is due to the fact that they are mandated to renew their certification every 10 years in order to keep the certification.

To be a board-certified orthodontist, they should enlist with the American Board of Orthodontics. One has to comply with the accreditation guidelines of the organization and abide by their every rule to keep their membership. Renewing one’s certificate is also required, which could also mean they need to go through continued education.

There are several advantages to consulting with a board-certified orthodontist and they have a lot to do with your assurance of getting optimum oral care. Board certified orthodontists can give you with adequate dental care, as well as fix the alignment of your dentures to give you that beautiful smile. These experts will ensure that you’ll gain your confidence back.

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What To Know Before Getting Invisalign

Pediatric Orthodontist, Children\'s Orthodontics Specialist in Miami Lakes

When preparing to get Invisalign, there are definitely certain things of which you should be aware beforehand. First of all, there are small attachments that you might need placed on the surface of your teeth in order to achieve your desired smile. In cases where extra strength Is necessary to move your teeth, you may need one or two attachments. Attachments are small enamel colored ridges on your teeth that allow the aligner to click in place. This will help the aligners move your teeth more effectively especially when teeth need to move vertically for proper alignment.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you must wear the aligners 20-22 hours out of the day. This means that all of your eating and drinking for the day must occur within that 2-4-hour period. You will have to get used to carrying around an aligner case with you at all times so that you can safely store your aligners when eating or brushing. You will also have to brush your teeth before putting the aligners back in your mouth or at the very least you should chew a piece of sugar-free gum and rinse with fresh water.

The short amount of time you have to eat each day may cause you to lose weight. This is because removing your aligners to eat snacks throughout the day will seem like too much of a bother. You will most likely limit the time you spend eating which will decrease how much food you actually consume. If you do not want to lose weight, pack your meals with calories and protein or be prepared for more frequent cleaning of your teeth. If you do, however, then take advantage.

Lipsticks, lip liners and lip glosses must be applied more carefully when wearing aligners. The color almost inevitably sticks to aligners and attachments. This will leave a waxy film on the aligners. Lip gloss and lip balm will not affect the aligners quite as bad but will still leave a film. Having lipstick on the aligners will stain them, which will make them more noticeable. You might also want to be extra careful when removing your aligners when it comes to nail polish as you may possibly scratch your nails if done incorrectly.

Brushing your teeth will happen a lot more than usual. You will have to be extra diligent about removing food particles and plaque so that they do not collect underneath your aligners. In addition to the normally scheduled brushing of your teeth (when you wake up and before bed), you will also want to clean your teeth after each meal/snack/drink to make sure that you are not leaving food or drink particles under your aligners. Flossing is also vital to oral hygiene, especially with aligners in the equation. Stains happen easily, so you have to be extra careful when drinking colored liquids. You should not drink anything besides water when the aligners are in your mouth. If you do not brush your teeth well after drinking coffee or soda, the aligners can become tinted or less clear.  The good side to this is that your aligners will be changed every 10-14 days so if you do accidentally stain an aligner you will not have to wear it for a very long time.

If you are interested in getting Invisalign, please contact us for more information about how Miami Lakes Orthodontics can help you.

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