Invisible Braces in Dade County2022-06-22T16:33:04+00:00

Invisible Braces in Dade County

Why Invisalign® is the best choice for teens

In search of Invisible Braces in Dade County? Dr. Carmen Briceño Crespi of Lakes-Ortho.Com is a leading provider of metal and clear aligners in Dade County. Not only for teens and kids anymore, today a lot of adults have been taking the extra step and getting braces, also. Even if it is to fix old dental problems like occlusions or to improve façade, you will find various developments and corrections in orthodontics dentistry today, making braces the pick for many people.

Braces essentially correct curved teeth, and that is what everyone think of if braces are brought up. By realigning the teeth into the correct place with metal supports fastened to the teeth along with wires that get tightened over time, it’s possible to little by little ease teeth in to new and better positions. It will take a long time – sometimes years – but, its lasting outcome might be well worth it. Stereotypically, braces for children are put in teens and adolescences as their teeth are still shaping, but with advancements you can get braces to be had by people needing to handle dental problems by realigning their teeth. Braces can do more than help fix a person’s looks, but it can also alter more dental issues that could come from having uneven teeth or a bad bite. Difficulties like excessive rotten teeth, untimely enamel erosion, packed teeth, blockings, and jawbone misalignment could all be talked about over time with braces.

Where to Get Invisible Braces in Dade County?

Braces carry a stereotype of being just for children for some reason. Years ago, it was thought that it was only possible to amend the placement of teeth or fix dental issues using braces as a person was not as old and their was maturing. This idea has ever since been proven as wrong, with the fact being that even full-grown teeth could be repositioned and bone growth may continue, helping to keep tweaked teeth in their more correct place.

Additionally, as for how large and unpleasant braces used to be, there were not a lot of adults intent on having them. Bearing in mind that a normal grown person’s day includes being at work most of the day, as well as addressing various people in a number of personal and professional situations, braces were regularly thought to be rough for who wears it, with most wishing to simply keep their teeth the way they were. Still, not only has it been established that it is absolutely viable to fix adult teeth, the health values gotten from improving dental issues can make it worthwhile at any age. It can take longer for adult teeth to be edged into their new places needing older people to keep on their braces for more time than younger people, but the advantages will continue to overshadow the downsides.

It is particularly so considering the great, new braces available today that patients can wear comfortably, like Metal Braces, Ceramic Braces, Lingual Braces, and Self-Ligating Braces; and snap-in retainers that needs to be worn certain times of the day and removed others. There are a lot of new braces offered for people of any age to have their teeth realigned, providing them not only a beautiful smile but also the health benefits that go with straight teeth and a correct bite. For additional info about the orthodontic services in Dade County offered by www.Lakes-Ortho.Com visit at our blog.

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Orthodontic Horror Stories!

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How you should choose your orthodontist for your Invisalign or braces treatment to avoid being a victim.

I have had thousands of people come to my orthodontic office and give me their horror stories (many times in tears) about the terrible experience and results they received from a dentist terrible experience and results that they received from a dentist that they went to down the street that promised them excellent results with their braces or Invisalign treatment.  Not only are they unhappy about their smile and experience but they are also angry because they have already spent thousands of dollars with the other dentist and wasted a year of their life.

The #1 thing that you can do to make sure that you are making the right decision for your orthodontic treatment is to choose the best doctor to consult, prescribe and treat you with your braces or Invisalign.  I find that many patients think that braces or Invisalign are a commodity.  That if they go to 5 doctors and they all offer braces or Invisalign then all they should do is find the lowest price and go with that option.  This line of thinking could not be more wrong.  Braces and Invisalign are a form of treatment and it is 100% up to the dentist (should be an orthodontist) to decide if you are a candidate for the treatment.

The doctor that you choose to treat you with braces or Invisalign will be the person that is responsible for helping you to achieve the smile that you want for the rest of your life.  Choose the best doctor and give yourself the best chance for success.

3 Rules for choosing the best doctor for your Invisalign or braces treatment.

Rule #1:  It all starts with picking the right doctor. Please make sure that they are a board-certified orthodontic specialist.  These are the most highly skilled and trained doctors in the world and they will give you the best opportunity for success.  If you want to find a list of the most highly trained orthodontists in your are the American Board of Orthodontics has a very helpful tool that is free on their website for you to locate board certified orthodontists.

Rule # 2:  Do your homework! Read reviews, speak with actual patients and visit the office, interact with the staff and see what the actual experience is like at the office you are considering.  Make sure that this is a place where you feel confident and comfortable.

Rule # 3:  Convenience: Make sure that the office is convenient for your treatment.  The office should have hours that fit your schedule, have short wait times and not be on the opposite end of the earth.  You will be seeing your orthodontist approximately every 6 weeks for your treatment to make it easy on yourself.

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