Getting Started with Orthodontic Services

At Miami Lakes Orthodontics, our mission is to provide you with affordable, high-quality treatment that fits your budget! The cost of braces is, in many instances, the biggest obstacle people face when considering whether or not to seek orthodontic treatment. For this reason, we offer a wide variety of payment options, which allow us to help our patients meet their financial needs. Please ask us about financing options, credit card payments, and bank drafts. We thoroughly explain your options so that we can accommodate your needs.

Miami Lakes Orthodontics believes that financial considerations should not obstruct your beautiful smile. At your initial examination, our treatment coordinator will discuss in detail the specific cost of orthodontic treatment. Due to the variety of patient’s needs and treatment options, the cost of orthodontic care varies from patient to patient. Being sensitive to the financial aspect of treatment, our practice:

  • Applies discounts for teachers, firefighters, police officers, and military, as well as for full payment at the start of treatment or additional family members undergoing orthodontic treatment with Dr. Briceño Crespi
  • Accepts Visa, MasterCard, Discover, or American Express
  • Offers in-house payment options with no finance or interest charges. With this option, an initial payment is due at the start of treatment, with the balance paid in monthly installments extending over the treatment time.
  • Provides outside financing through Care Credit which offers plans with no down payment and no interest payments for up to 24 months.
  • If you have orthodontic coverage in your dental insurance, it may help reduce your out-of-pocket expenses for orthodontic treatment. Most orthodontic insurance benefits have a maximum lifetime amount that is separate from regular dental insurance. Please bring your insurance information with you to your first complimentary visit, and we will be happy to verify your coverage.

New Blog Related to Orthodontist Near My Location.

Best For Braces Or Invisalign Treatment In Miami?

Orthodontist in Pembroke Pines, FL | Local Orthodontist

I often ask, “Who is the best person to help me fix my teeth? Or, what type of doctor or dentist is the right choice for my Invisalign/braces?”  The answer is very simple.  When you need something specific for your dental health, such as aligning your teeth or fixing your bite, you should always go to an orthodontist.  An orthodontist is a dental specialist who has gone through years of additional training after dental school in order to become an orthodontist.  You must note the distinction that all orthodontists are dentists, but general or family dentists are NOT orthodontists.  This is made even more confusing as the AAO (American Association of Orthodontists) has allowed general dentists to advertise that they perform orthodontics!  This is immoral but not illegal. It is terrible for the average consumer who has no idea that the dentist they receive their consultation and diagnosis from may not be qualified to treat them or their child for braces or Invisalign.

Who is best for the job?

Now, the initial question was, “Who is the BEST doctor/dentist to see for braces or Invisalign treatment?”  If you are looking for the best of the best (and I 100% feel that you should consider the importance of your smile or your child’s smile!) then you should look for a board-certified orthodontic specialist in Miami.  The only way to know that the dentist you are going to use is a board-certified orthodontist is to visit the American Board of Orthodontics website and check out their Board Certified Orthodontist Locator. This tool allows you to look up the orthodontist you intend to use by Name, City, Zip Code, etc. This is to ensure that you are actually going to use the service of a highly trained and board-certified dentist for your orthodontic treatment.

Today, so many dentists advertise that they perform orthodontic treatments, which is very confusing for the consumer.  It’s also costly to the consumer when they find that they have to eventually go to a board-certified orthodontist to repair what was done by their dentist. Orthodontics is a specialty in dentistry and should be performed by an orthodontist and not any other type of dentist.  It would be similar to going to your family doctor for your checkup, and he or she tells you that you have an issue with your heart or skin. Still, instead of referring you to a cardiologist or dermatologist, they just go ahead and do everything themselves!  If you would not let your family doctor treat what your cardiologist should, then you should not let your family dentist treat what your orthodontist should.