Clear Braces Near My Location2022-06-28T15:15:10+00:00

Clear Braces Near My Location

Miami Orthodontic Specialists | Orthodontist in Miami

Searching for Clear Braces Near My Location? Dr. Carmen Briceño Crespi of Lakes-Ortho.Com is a leading provider of Invisalign and braces Near My Location. Apart from kids, today a lot of adults have been going that extra mile to get braces, too. Whether to fix old dental issues like fixing spaces or to enhance look, there are many developments and corrections in orthodontics dentistry today, deeming braces the pick for many people.

Braces most importantly fix crooked teeth, and this is what we all visualize whenever braces are brought up. By pulling the teeth into more correct position by way of metal supports attached to the teeth and wires that will be tightened over time, it’s likely to bit by bit maneuver teeth in to new and more normal positions. It does happen slowly – maybe even years – however, the permanent outcome might be well worth it. Stereotypically, braces for children are applied to youngsters and adolescences as their teeth are still shaping, but with advancements you can get braces to be had by anybody wishing to take care of dental worries by realigning their teeth. Not only do braces help better peoples’ looks, but they also modify more dental issues that might arise from having uneven teeth or a bad bite. Difficulties like excessive tooth decay, untimely enamel wear, crowded teeth, occlusions, and jaw misalignment could be talked about over time with braces.

Where to Get Clear Braces Near My Location?

Orthodontic Braces carry a stereotype of being only for kids for a few reasons. Several years ago, it was thought that it was only conceivable to tweak the alignment of teeth or fix dental worries with braces even as an individual was not as old and their teeth were still growing. A view that has ever since been proven to be false, with the fact being that even full-grown teeth could be repositioned and bone growth may persist, serving to keep adjusted teeth in their new and accurate spot.

Similarly, because of how large and unpleasant braces was, there weren’t plently grown-ups interested in having them. Seeing as a standard mature person’s day includes being at work much of the day, and dealing with various people in a variety of professional and personal conditions, braces were regularly deemed rough for who wears it, with most deciding to simply leave their teeth the way they were. Nevertheless, not only has it been established that it is entirely possible to fix mature teeth, the health advantages gotten from correcting dental problems can make it advisable at any age. It could take longer for adult teeth to move into their new locations requiring older people to keep on their dental braces for more time than younger patients, but the benefits will continue to be more important than the disadvantages.

It is expressly that way as the great, new braces available today that patients can wear in ease, for instance Metal Braces, Ceramic Braces, Lingual Braces, and Self-Ligating Braces; also snap-in retainers that should be worn certain times of the day and removed others. There are several new braces obtainable for individuals of all age to have their teeth corrected, bestowing on them not only a beautiful smile but also the health advantages that go with neet teeth and a correct bite. If you would like additional info about the orthodontic services Near My Location offered by Lakes Orthodonitcs check out at our clear aligners blog.

Trending Blog Post About Clear Braces Near My Location

Why Parents Prefer Braces Over Invisalign?

Miami Beach Orthodontist – Orthodontics Invisalign and Braces

I have written in prior blogs about why parents should invest in their children’s smile in order to provide them with self-confidence, self-worth and the best chance for a healthy and successful life.  There are many orthodontic choices in the market today from braces, Invisalign and now there are even DIY orthodontic treatments that some people are even trying at home.  I too am a parent and have ran a successful orthodontic practice with my wife where we have been able to help thousands of people to smile with confidence.  My goal for this blog is to help parents figure out what the best treatment is for their children and share the point of view from other parents that I have met along my journey.

One of the questions that I get most often from parents in my orthodontic practice is, “What type of treatment should I get for my child in order to get the best results for their smile?”  I get it every day and I understand a parent’s concern as orthodontic treatment will shape their child’s smile and have a huge impact on the rest of their kid’s life.  Not only that but parents are typically investing over $5000 in their kid’s treatment, so they want to make sure that they are making a sound investment.  Choosing the right treatment for a child has to begin with the patient.  What is it that the child needs?  What issues do they have that need to be treated and what is the best type of treatment to correct the issues?  Although there are several options to choose from I have found that for children, most of the time braces are the best solution to correct orthodontic issues.

Why braces are most often the best solution for fixing your child’s teeth:

  • Compliance and treatment success:

The #1 problem that I have seen over the years in orthodontic cases that are not done with braces such as Invisalign treatment has to do with a lack of patient compliance.

A parent’s largest concern when choosing Invisalign for their kid is that they do not know if their kid is actually going to wear the trays all of the time.  When you choose braces, treatment success is more in the hands of the orthodontic specialist and not the patient.  When a patient leaves the office, the orthodontist has zero control if the patient is actually wearing their Invisalign aligners.  The last thing a parent wants to deal with is investing over $5000 in their kids orthodontic treatment and they don’t wear the Invisalign trays or lose them.  With braces, the orthodontist, parent and patient can rest assured that the treatment plan is moving forward from day 1.

  • Braces have the ability to fix more issues:

Braces can make changes that are not possible with other types of treatment.  Bite issues (under-bite, over-bite, cross-bite, etc.) in particular are far easier to correct with braces than Invisalign.  Rotating teeth and helping to bring down teeth that have not erupted (teeth that are stuck above the gum line) are also far better with braces and in some cases the only way to accomplish this movement.  There may come a day when this is not true but for now, braces are superior for complex issues.

  • Braces tend to be less work for the patient and parent day-to-day:

The greatest thing about Invisalign is that you can take them off to eat and brush.  However, this creates a lot of follow up and compliance on behalf of the patient.  Every time you eat (snacks included) you have to take off the aligners and remember to put them back on which creates two possible issues.

  1. Lose the Invisalign trays: You can lose the trays (typically they get thrown in the garbage) or misplaced.
  2. Forget to put the Invisalign trays back in your mouth. You can forget to put the Invisalign trays back on your teeth which means that your teeth are not moving in the direction that is needed in order to correct the issues.

Although Invisalign is a great product and we have treated thousands of cases successfully, parents often find that the thought of their kid having to be responsible for their Invisalign trays 24/7 is a risk that they do not want to take.  Braces provide peace of mind in that parents know that their kid’s teeth are doing what they are supposed to be doing without their kid having control over their treatment.

I hope that this article was helpful in sharing my experience in helping parents to choose the right type of orthodontic treatment for their kids.  Regardless of which treatment you choose for you or your kids make sure that you are consulting with an orthodontic specialist for your smile needs.

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