Lingual Braces Near My Location2022-05-07T19:49:31+00:00

Lingual Braces Near My Location

Braces/Invisalign Miami Lakes

Searching for Lingual Braces Near My Location? Dr. Crespi of Lakes Ortho is a leading provider of orthodontic braces Near My Location. Not just teens, these days a lot of adults have been taking that extra step to get braces, also. In case it is to mend long lasting dental problems such as closing off gaps or to enhance appearance, you will find several advancements and improvements in orthodontics dentistry today, making braces a choice for many people.

Braces first and foremost correct curved teeth, and this is what we all dream up when braces are talked about. By moving the teeth into the correct position with metal supports fastened to the teeth along with wires that will be readjusted over time, it is possible to gradually ease teeth in to new and more normal positions. This might take a long time – sometimes years – but, the long lasting consequences are well worth it. Stereotypically, braces for kids are put on teens and adolescences while their teeth are still forming, but today you could find braces to be had by people wishing to address dental ansieties by realigning their teeth. Braces do more than help better someone’s looks, but they also adjust more dental worries that could come from having uneven teeth or a bad bite. Problems such as excessive rotten teeth, untimely enamel wear, crowded teeth, occlusions, and jaw misalignment could all be addressed over time with braces.

Where to Get Lingual Braces Near My Location?

Orthodontic Braces have a stereotype of being only for kids for a few reasons. Long ago, it was believed that it was only possible to tweak the position of teeth and mend dental problems with braces even as a person was not as old and their teeth were still growing. This idea has since been proven as false, with the fact being that even mature teeth will be repositioned and bone growth can last, helping to keep corrected teeth in their more correct position.

In addition, because of how bulky and horrid braces was, there wasn’t a lot of adults interested in having them. Bearing in mind that a typical grown person’s day includes working much of the day, and dealing with many different people in a number of personal and professional situations, braces were often seen as painful for the wearer, with most wishing to simply leave their teeth as they were. Still, not only has it been realized that it is totally possible to fix mature teeth, the health advantages derived from correcting dental problems can make it advisable at any age. It can take longer for mature teeth to ease into their new places requiring older people to wear their dental braces for more time than younger patients, but the benefits will continue to overshadow the disadvantages.

This is expressly so as the great, new braces accessable today that patients can wear at ease, like Metal Braces, Ceramic Braces, Lingual Braces, and Self-Ligating Braces; also snap-in retainers which should be worn certain times of the day and removed others. There are several new braces existing for people of any age to have their teeth corrected, lending them not only a beautiful smile but also the health advantages that go along with straight teeth and a right bite. If you would like additional info about the orthodontic services Near My Location offered by Lakes Orthodonitcs, please stop by at our blog.

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Braces Or Invisalign To Fix My Teeth?

Best Orthodontists Near Me in Miami, FL

My name is Alex Crespi, and I am the proud co-founder of Miami Lakes Orthodontics.  I have the privilege of working with my beautiful wife, who just so happens to be an award-winning orthodontic specialist, Dr. Carmen Briceño Crespi. Together we have helped over 11,000 people to raise their self-esteem and achieve a beautiful smile through our orthodontic treatments such as braces and Invisalign. One of the most exciting parts of my career is sitting with patients, listening to their stories, and helping them find a solution to fix their smiles.

One of the most frequent questions I get from our adult patients is helping them decide which type of treatment they should choose. I often hear, “OK, Alex, I want to fix my teeth, but how do I know if I should choose braces or Invisalign?” This isn’t always a simple choice, as there are several things to consider when choosing your treatment type.

How to choose between braces or Invisalign?

First of all, are you a candidate for Invisalign? Often, patients will come into our office and want Invisalign treatment to fix their teeth.  However, before prescribing Invisalign, we always have to ensure that the patient is best treated with Invisalign.  We have to ensure that we can accomplish our treatment goals with Invisalign before offering the treatment.  To ensure that Invisalign treatment is possible, we take a quick exam and X-ray in the office.  This lets us be 100% certain that we are offering you the best solution to fix your smile and accomplish your goals.

If you are a candidate for Invisalign, the next question should be whether you prefer to use braces or Invisalign. The reason to choose one treatment over the other should be based on what you feel will work best for your lifestyle and budget, as well as the level of involvement/responsibility that you want to take on with your treatment.  I have listed some of the pros and cons of braces and Invisalign to help you decide.

Why choose Invisalign over braces:

  • Appearance – Invisalign is clear and virtually unnoticeable to other people. Your appearance will stay almost identical, as you will not have braces on your teeth.
  • Eating – You will eat the same way you do not with Invisalign as you take off the aligners to eat your food. Braces can make eating a bit more tedious.
  • Hygiene – Cleaning your teeth with Invisalign is the same as cleaning your teeth right now. You take off the aligners to brush, floss, and rinse your teeth.
  • Comfort – No wires or braces in your mouth makes Invisalign more comfortable as nothing is rubbing against your lips or cheeks.
  • No risk of injury playing sports – Invisalign is safer for athletes as there is no risk of having metal braces that can potentially cut the lips or cheeks if there is an impact.
  • No emergency appointments for broken braces – Many patients and parents like that Invisalign does not have emergency appointments for broken braces or appliances.

Why choose braces over Invisalign:

  • Less daily responsibility – Patients wearing braces do not have to worry about taking them off and putting them back on as they have to do with Invisalign. Once the braces are placed on the teeth, they do their job and move your teeth toward the final position.  Invisalign only works when it is on your teeth, and not wearing them for enough time (22 hours per day) can delay treatment results.
  • No opportunity for losing aligners and delaying results – Losing or misplacing your Invisalign aligners can slow down your treatment results and cause delays in your overall treatment time.
  • Not having to take Invisalign on and off frequently for eating and drinking – Many patients say that although they have to be a bit more cautious when eating and drinking with braces, they still prefer braces over Invisalign because they can eat and drink most things without having to take off their mounts. With Invisalign, you must take off the aligners when eating or drinking (except water), which can become frustrating.
  • Parents like to have control over their kid’s treatment – Many parents prefer braces over Invisalign as it takes away the opportunity for their kids to be non-compliant. “How will I know if my son or daughter is wearing the aligners?”
  • Braces are more effective for complex issues – Although Invisalign has made significant advancements in tooth movement technology, braces can accomplish more complex movements than Invisalign.

I hope this information clears up some of the differences between braces and Invisalign.  It is important to remember that regardless of which type of treatment you prefer you should always start your process by getting the opinion of an orthodontic specialist.  Board-certified board-certified years of specialized training and experience can help you understand your options and get a proper diagnosis-certified orthodontist near you using the orthodontic locator tool on the ABO website.

If you are in or near Miami Lakes, Florida, visit us (click here) or call 305-820-6800 and schedule your free initial exam and X-ray today. Contact Miami Lakes Orthodontics, and always remember to smile with confidence!

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